Rehabilitation is a structured process for the transformation of marginalized and less fortunate people who are mainly beggars, old aged, dying destitute, mentally ill, mentally retarded, physically challenged, women, drug abuser etc. in rural, urban and semi-urban areas in Tamil Nadu into respectable citizens. After field visits and survey through which we collect information about these vulnerable, their life span of begging history, health status and other conditions like their involvement in drugs, stealing, alcohols, etc. are closely scrutinized
Then the rehabilitation process will be initiated depending upon their physical fitness and various advices, counseling through medical professionals and closely monitoring their physical as well as mental health status. We will fist make sure that their personal hygiene and mental reposition would be changed convincingly through personal rapport and loving care for their welfare. Their attitude and behavior would be totally changed then and will cooperate well with us. They are rehabilitated by necessary therapies along with clinical intervention for their social recovery
884 + were admitted in rehabilitation homes since inception in the year 2014
Admitting in Homes
Depending on the nature of the rescued candidate’s physical and mental health, they are admitted either in home run by Atchayam Trust or any of the hospice care or old age homes or ECRC after the necessary documents are duly signed by the respective government or department authorities.